Thursday, January 21, 2010

V is for Vacation!

Okay so, March know the break in the middle of March!

"Emelie, Alex, Jason, make sure all of your bags are packed and ready to go we are leaving bright and early tomorrow morning!" That would be something that mother would say the night before we leave. "Emelie, Alex, Jason, GET UP WE'RE LEAVING!" Is something she would say the morning of the day we leave.

So now you're probably like, what in the world is she talking about!? Well this March Break, my family and I are going on a "family vacation," our sixth cruise, and I'm TOTALLY and UTTERLY excited! We always have a great time, we even go with friends! Like, this cruise there are 26 of us going together! Most of us are on the same flight, staying in the same hotel, and staying on the same floor on the ship! I find it a lot of fun when we go with friends, but then it's also fun to meet new people on the cruise!

Even though I have no idea where this cruise will be taking me, I am still really excited!

But plane rides, totally make me nervous, even though i've flown soo many times, my tummy starts to turn and my ears POP! It's insane. And like in the airport, it's super scary, like going through customs, like what if they take my stuff away! And even worse, what if they lose MY luggage :(
Now that would be absolutely terrible, like I wouldn't enjoy my vacation because I love my clothes!

The ship that we are going on is THE biggest ship in the world, and my family and I will be sharing THE biggest room on the ship! I am SO excited. We get to go to some exciting shows, and go swimming in the ocean, see many cool places, and lots more! OH, and one really cool thing, there is a zipline on the ship, and it goes across the WHOLE ENTIRE ship!

Have I mentioned that I'm REALLY excited?!

So Marchbreak, a family vacation! A cruise! I'm excited! :)

Life Lesson: Enjoy life while it lasts.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

L is for Laur!

Laur ryhmes with dinosaur.

In the beginning there was a girl, her name was Laur. (Which is short for Laurel.)
She sat in the front row of the classroom,with her head held high.
The first French class ever, we were partnered up.Laurel decided that she did not want to be my partner so she joined another group, leaving me all alone in the dark corner of the classroom. From that day on, I was terrified of that girl! I cleared the halls and, didn't say much in class.

Laurel still chose not to speak to me. Until, one day, our grade six teacher decided to put us beside one another in the seating arrangements. All that was going through my head was "Oh wonderful, what is going to happen?" After the desks were moved, and we were settled in, I was stuck in between Tommy and Laurel. Tommy decided to tell Laurel that if she punched me, it wouldn't hurt. So all throughout the day, I was being punched. Laurel, leaving me to go home with a few bruises on my arm. I thought it was terribly painful, Laurel and Tommy found it quite humourous.

Since we sat beside one another, we talked a bit, and then we started being partners, and talking a little bit more. Soon enough we were partners for EVERYTHING! And we even started hanging out, outside of the classroom! (Can you believe that!) I guess we could say, I mainly followed her around, carrying her books to class, making sure her hair was perfect, and making sure she had EVERYTHING organized, but now I think it is safe to say that she is now doing that for me. :)

Today, Laurel and I are BFFLE's (Best Friends For Like EVER!)

Ps. This is a bit of a dramatization. :D

Life Lesson: Don't judge a book by it's cover. :)

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

A Is For Alex! (:

Today, Alex slapped me across the face. I ran at her with a bat, running as fast as I could, unfortunately when I took a swing..I ended up hitting my mother instead! Can you say BAD DAY!
I met Alex the day I was born, i'm not sure I liked her back then, but I guess I could say I do now.

Yes, Alex is my sister!
She's 15 years old, and can be SUPER moody..but I love her anyways. She and I share some of the same interests, such as tennis, music, and spending time with friends and family. When we play tennis, I always win, so we haven't played against one another in a while. And for music, we have totally different taste! I like bands/artists such as Stereos, Lights and Taylor Swift, she likes bands/artists such as The Academy Is..., Fall Out Boy and Dallas Green.

Alex is really smart, and likes to compare marks (or just brag about how she got a higher mark.) Although my Mom tells me not to worry about what Alex says it still bothers me, so this term I am going to get even higher marks than her!

Some people think that Alex and I look alike, but both of us agree that we look totally different! She has auburn hair, I have brown hair, she has freckles, I don't, she wears glasses all of the time and is short, I don't wear glasses all the time, and I am taller than her.

Alex and I have our differences, but we are close as sisters!

A is for Alex!

Life Lesson: Love your family no matter what.