Tuesday, October 27, 2009

The Holocaust - Eva Olsson

"The worst memory was the way my Mother died." Said Eva Olsson.

The other day Middle School and Upper School got together to listen to a presentation by Eva Olsson. She spoke to us about the Holocaust. Until Eva spoke to us I had absolutely no understanding of what the Holocaust was. Her speech had a very strong, inspirational meaning from start to end. The one thing that she emphasized most, I think was to not use the word "hate." Eva explained to us how hate killed a lot of people, she also told us that we should NOT use that word EVER. I know that next time I think about using the word hate, I will say "dislike" instead.

What Eva spoke to us about, made me feel pain for all of those people who had gone through such tragedy. Her journey sounded horrifying. All I could think about was how terrible it sounded and how lucky I am not to be going through such a thing. She told us about the camps that the victims attended, which sounded very scary. I think from what she described i would be most afraid of the gas showers. She said that they would throw them into showers of gas and just that sounds bad, well they didn't even turn them off until the person was DEAD! That sounds absolutely horrible.

I think that over all Eva Olsson's speech was very powerful. I think that saying this I am speaking for everyone in which she put a strong message into our heads. Each and every day we can think about how lucky we are to be safe. Her speech was absolutely amazing, and I would recommend it to anyone who would want to listen to a fantastic and inspirational speech.

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